Crossword #31
by Rupert Morrish
The wordplays of 25 clues (including 18D) obey the instruction heard in 18D. Definitions are unchanged.
Copyright © 2016 Rupert Morrish. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.
Crossword #30
by Rupert Morrish
Eight clues are from a work associated with 13/2/15.
Copyright © 2016 Rupert Morrish. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.
New Crossword!
DA 2014/06/20
19D is ANAGRAM, and every clue has had one word in the definition replaced by an anagram.
1. Tom’s => Most
5. Bride’s => Debris
10. hornet => throne
11. reunites => retinues
12. Night => Thing
13. hatred => thread
14. Hustler’s => ruthless
16. Aral => Lara
18. doorbell => bordello
20. ads => sad
23. groans => sarong
24. Flow => wolf
26. Unseals => sensual
27. Lanced => candle
28. notes => tones
29. Sartre => arrest
2. Times => smite
3. Bella => label
4. loans => salon
6. Rescue => secure
7. Tame => meat
8. stream => master
9. Cardies => sidecar
15. trap => part
17. Sole => lose
19. Clambers => scramble
21. camps => scamp
25. state => taste
DA 2014/03/28
Here are the 21 rule breaches:
There are supposed to be 21. I’ve only found 20.
In the clues (1112):
11A, 12A, 19A, 22A, 24A, 29A,
1D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 18D, 21D
In the answers (9):
1A, 19A,
2D, 4D, 8D, 16D, 18D, 20D, 23D
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day
by Rupert Morrish
Seven clues share a feature with the 1993 movie. Their definitions are complete, but their wordplay is not.
Copyright © 2014 Rupert Morrish. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.
Happy New Year!
by Rupert Morrish
Copyright © 2014 Rupert Morrish. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.
Updated WordPress
One of these days I’ll write a plugin to upload crosswords without having to edit the HTML by hand. Needs more banging my head against PHP than I really like, though.
Merry Christmas!
by Rupert Morrish
Copyright © 2013 Rupert Morrish. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.