Well, I tackled this one while cruising on the seas and brain on autopilot. Thankyou for that. The ship put out crosswords everyday but only quick ones.
Liked, amongst others, 7A, 6D, 8D, 16d, 19A. 22D was tricky but good.
Got 12A but was wondering about the grammar as it is an adjective.
And can only see the ‘any report’ in 18D. No idea of the def or the rest of the wordplay.
23A Did my head in. A mix of maths and grammar?
Ah, I was on the wrong track for ‘suspicious case’ for 8D. Thought ‘any’ was letters 2,3,4 and ‘case’ clued the outer letters of ‘suspicious’. Got me. Interesting to look up the answer. Not aware of the indigenous peoples of New York. Only knew of the philosopher.
And being a linguist primarily and hopeless at maths/geometry in the senior years, I could only get the other meaning of ‘hyperbole’. For the same reasons I have a different definition of ‘definitive’. Just goes to show one’s limited experience gets in the way of solving.
Not just limited experience, but excessive expertise can be a handicap solving certain crosswords. How many times have we decried DA’s arts background when one of his dodgy science definitions makes us look for actual synonyms, rather than just something in the same book?
I’m glad you enjoyed the crossword, and even more glad that you told me so. While I get a great deal of intellectual satisfaction from setting them, the pleasure is mostly in having other people solve them.
Well, I tackled this one while cruising on the seas and brain on autopilot. Thankyou for that. The ship put out crosswords everyday but only quick ones.
Liked, amongst others, 7A, 6D, 8D, 16d, 19A. 22D was tricky but good.
Got 12A but was wondering about the grammar as it is an adjective.
And can only see the ‘any report’ in 18D. No idea of the def or the rest of the wordplay.
23A Did my head in. A mix of maths and grammar?
12A is a grammatical error, well spotted.
18D: The definition is “old New Yorkers”, in the sense of original inhabitants of that state. Suspicious is an anagrind.
23A: Hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptical curves are subsets of a particular type of section (5). When placed after setter (1) it means definitive.
I take it back. oxforddictionaries.com allows 12A as a noun.
Ah, I was on the wrong track for ‘suspicious case’ for 8D. Thought ‘any’ was letters 2,3,4 and ‘case’ clued the outer letters of ‘suspicious’. Got me. Interesting to look up the answer. Not aware of the indigenous peoples of New York. Only knew of the philosopher.
And being a linguist primarily and hopeless at maths/geometry in the senior years, I could only get the other meaning of ‘hyperbole’. For the same reasons I have a different definition of ‘definitive’. Just goes to show one’s limited experience gets in the way of solving.
Enjoyed the crossword.
Not just limited experience, but excessive expertise can be a handicap solving certain crosswords. How many times have we decried DA’s arts background when one of his dodgy science definitions makes us look for actual synonyms, rather than just something in the same book?
I’m glad you enjoyed the crossword, and even more glad that you told me so. While I get a great deal of intellectual satisfaction from setting them, the pleasure is mostly in having other people solve them.