Tag Archives: DA

DA 2014/06/20

19D is ANAGRAM, and every clue has had one word in the definition replaced by an anagram.

1. Tom’s => Most
5. Bride’s => Debris
10. hornet => throne
11. reunites => retinues
12. Night => Thing
13. hatred => thread
14. Hustler’s => ruthless
16. Aral => Lara
18. doorbell => bordello
20. ads => sad
23. groans => sarong
24. Flow => wolf
26. Unseals => sensual
27. Lanced => candle
28. notes => tones
29. Sartre => arrest

2. Times => smite
3. Bella => label
4. loans => salon
6. Rescue => secure
7. Tame => meat
8. stream => master
9. Cardies => sidecar
15. trap => part
17. Sole => lose
19. Clambers => scramble
21. camps => scamp
25. state => taste

DA 2013/11/01

The theme, 6D 24D, is DELIBERATE TYPO. Every definition has one letter wrong. They are:

8: Cater / Hater
9: verNe / verSe
10, 2: fUr / fAr
11: armY / armS
12: sHooter / sCooter
14: outsiZe / outsiDe
15: plaNe / plaCe
17: Gin / Win
20: fiX / fiT
22: Cake / Fake
23: sHack / sNack
24: rIot / rOot
25: daiLy / daiSy
26: sTeaks / sNeaks

1: Rated / Dated
3: diTty / diRty
4: skIll / skUll
5: Perving / Serving
6: poWder / poNder
7: saY / saD
13: Might / Sight
16: Punning / Cunning
18: loVer / loSer
19: nOtion / nAtion
21: piNched / piTched
22: sCud / sPud
24: blAnder / blUnder

Invisible Men

Male names in DA’s SMH crossword for 20th July 2012:

1. HAL
5. TIM
10. DON
11. IAN
12. AL
14. NICK
15. WILL
19. BEN
22. SAM
26. MATT
27. ERIC

2. ED
6. DES
7. YO
18. TOM

UPDATE: Per Ian at DATrippers, 7D is not an Invisible Man (I had thought it was BAN + YO = suburb of Brisbane). So now I’m missing one.

UPDATE 2: Found it (12 across).

UPDATE 3: 8D is a lot more common that I’d thought. Thanks to RK.

By way of comparison

(DA 2012/05/18)

There should be 17 of these according to the rubric. Please feel free to add the 17th in comments.

UPDATE: 5D spotted by DATrippers.com commenter JJ.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: 5D was spotted by Tim Aubrey first.

12 Mad as a cut snake
15 High as a kite
16 Slippery as an eel
17 Red as a beet
18 Pissed as a newt
24 Calm as a millpond
27 Lean as a bean (this is the one that is reversed)

1 Slow as a wet week
2 Dry as a Pommy’s towel [Grr!]
4 Blind as a bat
5 Old as Methuselah
7 Cold as ice
8 Quiet as the grave
13 Black as the Ace of Spades
14 Pure as the driven snow
22 Neat as a pin
28/23 Snug as a bug in a rug