
Just like that, another crossword.

David’s visiting today. Let’s see if he inspires another clue as desperate as OFFENCE RELATING TO FIRE EXITS.


by Rupert Morrish

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2013 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.

Nine months without a crossword

What a terrible host I am.

Here’s one I did as a potential between-rounds handout sheet for the pub quiz I work on. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to make it easy, it was deemed too hard.

There’s a couple of full grids on the bubble. I hope to complete at least one before the end of the year!

TMT Trivia

by Rupert Morrish http://crossword.morrish.org

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2013 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.

DA 2013/11/01

The theme, 6D 24D, is DELIBERATE TYPO. Every definition has one letter wrong. They are:

8: Cater / Hater
9: verNe / verSe
10, 2: fUr / fAr
11: armY / armS
12: sHooter / sCooter
14: outsiZe / outsiDe
15: plaNe / plaCe
17: Gin / Win
20: fiX / fiT
22: Cake / Fake
23: sHack / sNack
24: rIot / rOot
25: daiLy / daiSy
26: sTeaks / sNeaks

1: Rated / Dated
3: diTty / diRty
4: skIll / skUll
5: Perving / Serving
6: poWder / poNder
7: saY / saD
13: Might / Sight
16: Punning / Cunning
18: loVer / loSer
19: nOtion / nAtion
21: piNched / piTched
22: sCud / sPud
24: blAnder / blUnder



by Rupert Morrish

Five across clues have no definition. They intersect their 25 acrosses, which have no clue at all.

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2013 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.


This puzzle may be rather difficult for solvers who were not pre-schoolers in the UK between the late 60s and early 80s. As always, no apologies.


by Rupert Morrish

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2012 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.



by Rupert Morrish

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2011 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.



by Rupert Morrish

Solve the grid and name the sea it represents.

You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet.

If you do not have Java installed you can obtain it from java.com. If do have Java you may need to check your security settings to make sure that applets are enabled, especially if you are viewing the puzzle from your hard disk. In Windows XP you may be able to enable the applet by clicking on the yellow bar at the top of the window and selecting “Allow blocked content”.



Copyright © 2011 Rupert Morrish. rupert@morrish.org. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.

Cryptic crosswords of dubious propriety